​Phone Number Normalization

​Phone Number Normalization



Reformat a phone number to any of the 3 supported formats: (1) international, (2) national, and (3) E164.



  • A country attribute is required to look up the country code and the national format. This must be available as an attribute in your data. If you do not have this data, you can manually insert this data, or use the infer task to populate this data.
  • The country code is required to be in the ISO alpha-2 format (i.e. US, CA, DE). If your country data is not already in this format, the task lets you use a Reference Data Source to do the conversion on-the-fly. We recommend the Openprise reference Reference – Countries – Multilingual.
  • The international and E164 formats are the same for all countries.
  • The national format is the preferred format for each county.
  • Any recognizable extensions is standardized to format “ext. 1234”.
  • Any extraneous characters are removed, for example “Direct: (888) 555-1212”, will have “Direct:” removed.
  • If more than one phone number is in the attribute, only the first attribute is retained and reformatted.
  • If the original phone number already has an international area code, this task will not normalize it to another country even if the international area code is different from the country input’s international area code.
  • Phone numbers that have 7 sequential digits (ie. 345-678-9000 or 987-654-3211) will be removed.
  • Phone numbers with 7 repeated digits are removed (ie, 444-444-4421).
  • If the country is US, any numbers with an area code and 555-1212 are removed.
  • If the country is US, any number with an invalid area code is also removed.



US phone number “888.555.1212 x123” is reformatted to:

  • International: +1 888-555-1212 ext. 123
  • National: (888) 555-1212 ext. 123
  • E.164 Format: 18885551212 ext. 123


Support Contacts

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us at support@openprisetech.com.

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