You need the right data to fuel each of your go-to-market initiatives to see value from your RevTech investments.
The Openprise RevOps Automation Platform
Openprise RevOps solution unifies data from multiple sources, orchestrates business processes across your tech stack, and delivers GTM-ready data to all your systems.
The Openprise data cleansing and automation engine aggregates, enriches, and transforms data into a usable form from your key systems. Not just sales systems like Salesforce and Dynamics and marketing automation solutions like Marketo, Eloqua, Pardot, and Hubspot, but also from other systems that deliver a true 360-degree view of a customer.
Automate all the processes, like lead routing and attribution that are currently done manually, or just poorly, by marketing and sales automation point solutions. Openprise offloads all of the resource-intensive processes, like lead and account scoring, that often bring those systems to their knees—restoring performance and usability to these systems.
Enable tight integration with your marketing and sales systems of record push both the clean data and the results back to those systems so they can deliver more value. Openprise can also push that information into leading BI and analytics tools for further analysis.
Openprise can then push that clean data and the results of those processes back to those systems so they can deliver more value. Openprise can also push that information into leading BI and analytics tools for further analysis. You can even create custom apps and APIs with Openprise.
Single Data Foundation
- Data Unification
- Data Quality
- Data Cleaning and Standardization
- Dedupe
- Data Enrichment
- Segmentation
- Data Integration
- Data Governance
- Profiling
- Data Lifecycle Management
Marketing Operations
- Data Onboarding
- List Loading
- Lead Acquisition and Augmentation
- Inline Quality and Governance
- Campaign attribution
- Campaign Performance
- Opportunity Influencer
- Buyers Journey
- Lead Management
- Lead Routing
- Lead Scoring and Grading
- Lead-to-Account Matching
Sales Operations
- Territory Management Automation
- Territory Assignment
- Territory Rebalancing
- Account Hierarchy
- Account Scoring and Grading
- Mass Change
“We’re no longer in the business of cleaning data and answering ad-hoc requests. We’ve added ongoing, automatic enrichment and cleanup to our processes, and we’re actively looking for ways to generate better and more actionable data at the Source.”
Roberto Fernández Madero, Manager of Marketing Operations, Zendesk